Thanks to Everyone and New Hip-Hop Music by Our San Bernardino Natives

Thank you to everyone for coming out to the latest events. We appreciate your support. I’m talking about all of you who came out to see Tha Native in the Tukut Lounge at Yaamava Resort & Casino, formerly known as San Manuel Casino. Yes, there is a resort now. Check it out!!

Thank you to all who came out to Sylvan Park in Redlands last month for the car show and chili cook off supporting Lighthouse for the Blind. I hope you got a chance to see all the Shorty’s Garage merch. You can also check out Shorty’s Garage merch any time at And there are always some amazing classic cars for sale on the Shorty’s Garage website at You can also contact us for an appointment to check one out if you are interested in purchasing one. Check out the website for more details.

And thank you all who came out to Banning for NATIVES with FINESSE.

As for future events, you’ll just have to stay tuned, but there is new music coming soon by local San Bernardino hip-hop artist Penuckle. Penuckle is part of the Voodoo Nation family. If you aren’t familiar with him, check out this demo battle from SiriusXM
We also have in the works NEW! Albums by LIL CIDE @lilcide_tr and OG Cuicide @ogcuicide Also part of the fam is BlazemUp. He just released a new video. Check it out on YouTube
As always, thanks again and stay safe!