Dog Faced Gods, Meltdown Music Video on YouTube
So here we are. It almost feels like the end of the world; the end of the world as we know it. Okay, how many of you had that R.E.M. song running through your head about half way through reading that last sentence? That wasn’t my intention. I’m being totally serious. It isn’t the end of the world, but it sure feels awfully different. And it feels like it happened almost overnight. In a sense, it did.

People suddenly panicked and you know the rest. But I can only comment so much as I am currently in Portugal. But I have seen pictures and videos of the grocery stores. Some photos were messaged to me by my eldest daughter in Cali. Empty shelves at the grocery store. Luckily that isn’t happening here. But grocery home delivery has suddenly become very popular recently and I have taken advantage of that. I know because I got a delivery yesterday and will get another tomorrow and they took/take several days to weeks to arrive.

I’m trying to avoid going out as much as possible. I even bought a cheap rowing machine and elliptical machine to not just simply stay in shape, or better yet, get into shape. I bought them, and had them safely delivered for free, to work out my lungs.

While I am trying to avoid getting the virus, I am also doing things to try and prepare my body for it in case I do get it. One of those things is working out my lungs. The lungs are exactly where the covid 19 virus does its most damage. But enough about me. I wanted to talk about the music video by Tha Native’s former band, The Dog Faced Gods. Former? Hmm, maybe there will be a resurrection of sorts? You get the connection to what happened over the weekend? Resurrection? Well anyways, don’t be surprised.

Many years ago when I first met Tha Native, he was playing a lot of local shows so I got to see them live several times. And it’s funny how just the other day while going through Tha Native’s YouTube account and uploading some of his new hip-hop videos, which you should check out here I also ended up watching one specific video; Meltdown.
I didn’t think too deeply about the connection of the video scenery and plot to what is happening right now, although I do remember making a bit of a connection how things have drastically changed so quickly and that may be our future sooner than we might have expected. But again, I’m not there in Cali or in NY so I can’t fully relate to how drastically things have changed. I don’t know what it’s like to go into a store and find shelves totally emptied of certain foods or toilet paper or rubbing alcohol. So it must get you to wondering that if there is no cure in the near future and people are going to keep panic buying and so on and so forth, how long until things get much worse.

I mean, it was only about two months ago that things seemed totally normal, although it was completely known that the pandemic was inevitable and the U.S. was anything but immune. And I suppose that’s when a small group of people started panic buying before the idea sort of went mainstream. But maybe things will only get better from here. I really hope so.

But anyways, here is what I am getting to. I had a call with Alex from Voodoo Nation Music, the man behind all the amazing graphic images and more, and he too had just recently watched the Meltdown music video and made a connection between the whole scenery and backdrop to the music video and what is happening now in California and elsewhere. We talked about it for quite a while and how things are there in Cali and how things are here in Portugal. And then he expressed how he thought the video for Meltdown would make for a good blog post. I couldn’t agree more, so here I am.
And I also think another good blog post is what Tha Native has been doing lately from home; live streaming himself performing all kinds of classic hits from past decades and some unplugged versions of his hip-hop tracks. Luckily he live streams around the time I wake up so it works out quite good. But I’m not going to say anymore than that. You’ll have to stay tuned for the next blog post to learn more.

Be safe. Stay home. Watch the video. Watch the live streams on Instagram when it pops up: but you probably need to view the live stream from the mobile app. Oh! I just read that Instagram live streams should be available on your computer now. I think due to all the live streaming happening now with the stay at home orders.

Here’s the Meltdown video:
After you watch, head over to Tha Native’s Instagram or Facebook and comment what you think of the video and the direction that we are going into as a country:
Thanks everyone!