Kushstock Festival and The 420 Games - Presented by Native OG Moonrocks
I can only assume that you’ve all already seen the online fliers for both events. Both organizations and Tha Native, along with Tha Native’s company, Native OG Moonrocks, have been plugging and promoting these two events for several weeks and months now. And, finally, they are both here now. This weekend!! Can’t wait!!

First off, the 420 GAMES, presented by Native OG Moonrocks, will begin this Saturday morning at 8:30 AM at the Santa Monica Pier. There is a long list of events and celebs for both days. The next day the event will start at 10:00 AM. And instead of making a long list of the events and celebs that will be there, like NFL players Ricky Williams and Eben Britton and MMA legends Frank Shamrock and Bas Rutten, you should just head straight over to the ticket site which lists everything you could possibly want to know about the events for the two days plus order your tickets if you haven’t done so yet. Here’s the link: eventbrite.com/e/2018-la-420-games-presented-by-native-og-moonrocks-tickets-38450033084

You really don’t want to miss this event. There is nothing like it out there. Yes, there are other cannabis friendly events like the Kushstock Festival, but the participants and the events really set it apart from anything else out there. You really don’t want to miss it. Plus, did I mention it’s being presented by Native OG Moonrocks?
As for Kushstock, it will be held at the NOS Events Center in San Bernardino this Saturday from 12:00 PM to 11:00 PM. This is an absolutely huge cannabis friendly festival for those of you who are 18 or older. And it’s totally free entry. There will be a cannabis / marijuana competition, which should be very interesting. Plus there will be a huge lineup of cannabis vendors. You can check out the list of vendors and get your tickets at their website here: https://kushstock.life/

We hope to see you at one or both of the events and take some selfies with Tha Native and just have a great time. It’s Spring and the weather should be pretty amazing all weekend. Get outside and enjoy it. Also don’t forget to follow Tha Native on Social Media. Links are at the top of this page. Also at the top of the page is a link to OTB Hip Hop. If you want to listen to an awesome hip hop radio station that features music by Tha Native, tune in to OTBHipHop.com.
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Native American Hip Hop Artist, SoCal Rapper, Inland Empire Rapper