Happy California Native American Day
Last night Tha Native got a chance to share his Serrano and Cahuilla culture with some folks at a local Highland, CA senior center, which resides in very close proximity to the San Manuel reservation.
Also, please take a look at the meaningful and significant video messages that Tha Native made for all of his friends and fans to view. One was from yesterday right before his presentation. The other was today pertaining to California Native American Day and his thoughts on it. He also goes into his personal feelings on this once a year occasion and the Natives who like to use this single day to get in front of the cameras as if this is the only day it is important to be Native American. He also has a brief message pertaining to the deplorable Dakota Access Pipeline and Wednesday night’s show. This is really important so please take a minute to check them out. He really appreciates it.
Wednesday night Tha Native did an awesome show displaying his unique style of Native American Hip Hop. There was a decent size crowd, but there really should have been more people. That being said, Club Bleu was the last scheduled show and the last show Tha Native will be doing with the promoter of that event. You might remember in the last blog post how we mentioned the promoter not delivering the way he should have at Jasper’s. He’s just one of those cats that talks a big game, but can’t deliver. He had several chances to do so. Tha Native is a nice and understanding guy who wanted to give him every possible chance, but after so many strikes, he’s gotta call him out on it. Tha Native is used to performing in front of larger crowds, which is what we are currently working on for the near future.
This is a good time to mention again that we are looking to schedule some more shows, but with new promoters. We also mentioned doing some local shows in the Inland Empire, but there could be a Los Angeles show in the works for October 7th. Please check back at ThaNative.com or one of Tha Native’s many social media accounts for updates and details on that. You can find links to Tha Native’s Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook accounts at the top of this page. Please like and/or follow Tha Native on one or more of those accounts to get updates on shows and much, much more.
At least we always have a good time on the way to and back from shows when taking the limo bus. This gives us time to do whatever we like. Tha Native made himself a tasty Jack and Coke while Jerry D, Tha Native’s photographer, photobombs in the background.

A little while later we arrived at Club Bleu and got things rolling. Here you can see Tha Native on stage performing with his DJ, MARK 19.

Later on Big Runts went up and delivered with their typical high energy style. If you ever get a chance to meet these guys, do so. They are some really cool cats. Nicest guys you’ll meet at one of these shows. We hope to see them again in the near future.

Thanks for coming by and check back shortly for the next blog coming very soon.
Native American Rap, American Indian Rapper, Native American Hip Hop, Native American Rapper, Inland Empire Hip Hop, Inland Empire Rapper, American Indian Hip Hop Artist
Native American Hip Hop Artist, SoCal Rapper, Inland Empire Rap