Shorty’s Garage Classic Cars & Knuckle Scars
Hello Native Nation, I wanted to take a moment to share some exciting news with you all. Our very own Tha Native has been working on a...

Tha Native’s Gangster single featured on Musicexistence.com
Hello everyone. For a long time I reported over and over that, between tours and major shows and concerts, Tha Native was working on a...

Tha Native featured Musicexistence.com
Good news! Tha Native and his new single, Go Get Your Paypah !!!, have been featured on Musicexistence.com. Rather than quoting and...

Tha Native Spreading Christmas Joy
Tight on money or just want to win some dope prizes? Then this would be an excellent time to start following Tha Native on Instagram....

Title: New Single: Go Get Your Paypah !!! feat. E-40 & Loomis
Big music news; Tha Native put out a new single and, in my humble opinion, it’s a mutha fuckin’ banger. Go Get Your Paypah !!! feat. E-40...

The Gift of Gab Tour is almost over!
Hello friends!! The Gift of Gab Tour with E40 and OG Cuicide is coming to an end soon. We really hope you went to one or more of the...

The Gift of Gab Tour Update with Photos
Hello friends. So far, the tour has been great. Tha Native has had a chance to meet a lot of new and old fans and friends while traveling...

Gift of Gab Tour with Tha Native
As you must undoubtedly know by now, Tha Native will once again join E-40 on tour. The first show will be at the Knitting Factory in...

Tha Native Presents The 2018 San Francisco 420 Games
Once again Tha Native will be at the 420 Games; this time in beautiful and ultra cannabis friendly San Francsico. You may remember...

Torres Empire Los Angeles Supershow
Hello everyone! Thank you to all you loyal supporters of Tha Native and Tha Native Blog. We appreciate you spending your valuable time...